Result Class XII (Science Commerce) Session 2017-18
With the blessings of Mahant Ram Singh ji NDS students have brought the school to limelight. The hard work put in by the class XII students under the guidance of the team of gifted teachers has brought laurels to the school. Swadha Gupta of Commerce stream stood overall first with 97.5%. She secured 100 in Business Studies and 99 in both Mathematics and economics. She has made her parents and school feel very proud of her. Chirag Jain stood Second with 94.6% and Hitesh Arora stood Third with 94.2%. God Bless the NDS School!
Summary of Result
Total Students 124 Appeared 124 Pass 124 Pass% 100 Merit 45 I Division 115 II Division 08 III Division 01 Above 90% 09 (Merit with Distinction) 80% to 90% 31(Merit) 60% to 80% 75 Ist division
Subject wise Highest Mark
Eng 96 Hindi 95 Maths 99 Physics 95 Chemistry 95 Biology 93 Business Studies 100 Accounts 95 Economics 99 Computer 94 Physical Education 97 Painting 100
Sr No | Position | Name of student | Stream | Total Marks | %age |
1 | I | Swadha Gupta | Commerce | 488/500 | 97.6 |
2 | II | Chirag Jain | Commerce | 473/500 | 94.6 |
3 | III | Hitesh Arora | Science | 471/500 | 94.2 |